Con ella las tardes se alargan, las terrazas se inundan de gente, nuestros outfits se llenan de color y damos paso a las sandalias. Las que yo os muestro en este look son de ZARA (new season) y no me pude resistir a ellas porque tienen ese aire similar a las de AQUAZZURA, que tanto me gustan!! Con ellas quería hacer un look casual por ello recurrí a una camiseta básica de MANGO (old), camisa verde de ZARA (new season) y pantalones de premamá de H&M. Como complementos, collar étnico de ADOLFO DOMINGUEZ (new) y clutch de ZARA (new season).
Ya es primavera y lo mejor está todavía por llegar!! Besitos.
Ya es primavera y lo mejor está todavía por llegar!! Besitos.
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Welcome Spring, with her the evenings are getting longer, the terraces are flooded with people, our outfits are filled with color and give way to the sandals. The sandals that I show you in this look are from ZARA (new season) and I could not resist them because they are very similar to the sandals of AQUAZZURA that I love them! With them wanted to make a casual look so I resorted to a basic t-shirt from MANGO (old), green shirt from ZARA (new season) and pants from H&M. As supplements, ethnic necklace from ADOLFO DOMINGUEZ (new) and ZARA clutch (new season).
It's spring and the best is yet to come! Kisses.