Un fin de semana primaveral, si las predicciones no fallan dónde el sol va a ser el protagonista. Por ello os propongo un look dónde el abrigo se torna ligero y bajo él cambiamos el jersey por la camiseta. Ambas prendas son de MANGO (new season) y para darle un toque gamberro por fin me he decidido a cortar unos vaqueros viejos, lo que se conoce como ripped jeans y creo que no van a ser lo últimos que corte, aunque reconozco que me cuesta mucho!! jaja. Como complementos, colgante de MANGO (new), para mi la pieza clave a todo el look, cartera de mano de ZARA (new) y stilettos de UTERQÜE (new). Feliz Jueves y gracias por vuestros comentarios!! Besitos
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Weekend is really close, a spring weekend, if the predictions do not fail where the sun will be the protagonist. Therefore I propose a look where the coat is less warm and under hirm I change the sweater by the shirt. The coat and shirt are from MANGO (new season) and I wanted to give it a touch thug so finally I decided to cut some old jeans, which is known as ripped jeans and I think it will not be that last one that I cut, although I admit that I cost me a lot! haha. As supplements, pendant MANGO (new), for me the key piece to the whole look, ZARA handbag (new) and stilettos from UTERQÜE (new). Happy Thursday and thanks for your comments! kisses