Como os dije el mes de marzo está siendo complicado a nivel de trabajo, vamos a abrir una nueva tienda de muebles y organizarlo todo me impide en algunos momentos seguir el ritmo del blog. Espero que pronto todo vuelva a la normalidad!!. Gracias por estar siempre ahí!!. Un besito!!
The scarf is a supplement that is accompaning almost all my jerseys and if these are smooth transforms them completely giving style. The shorter hairstyle that you see is cause the scarf is tying my hair, an effect which I love !!.
As I said March is being difficult at the working cause we will open a new furniture store and organize it prevents me at times to keep up the blog. I hope that soon everything back to normal !!. Thanks for always being there !!. A big kiss!!
Jersey/Sweater: h&m (Similar HERE)
Jeans: h&m (Similar HERE)
Pañuelo/Scarf: Purificación García (Old, similar HERE)
Cinturón/Belt: Mango (Old, similar HERE)
Botas/Boots: Uterque (New, HERE)