The sunglasses
with mirror lenses should not miss this summer. I've combined them with the other hit of the season, the sweatshirts and a brightly colored cluth to highlight the look.
I also wanted to use this post to thank Marie-claire for posting on your "Blogselection" a photo of the bohemian look. It has made me very excited because I used this as a way to have fun with something that I love, fashion and the fact that someone values my blog to report me deep satisfaction!
I also wanted to use this post to thank Marie-claire for posting on your "Blogselection" a photo of the bohemian look. It has made me very excited because I used this as a way to have fun with something that I love, fashion and the fact that someone values my blog to report me deep satisfaction!
Las gafas de sol, con cristales espejo no deben faltar este verano. Yo las he combinado con otro hit de la temporada, las sudaderas y un cluth de color vivo para resaltar el look.
También quería aprovechar este post para dar las gracias a Marie-claire por publicar en su “Blogselection” una foto del look BOHEMIO. Me ha hecho mucha ilusión puesto que todo esto me sirve como una forma de divertirme con algo que me apasiona, la moda y el hecho de que alguien lo valore me reporta una profunda Satisfacción!!!